Tuesday 12 September 2017

Gauri Lankesh- An Honest Voice Lost

Bullets thrust into your body for speaking your mind. Yes, Gauri Lankesh was a journalist and an activist with sturdy dogmatic outlooks. But is murder the latest norm for dealing with anyone with resilient views? For dealing with anyone you demur against? And is it the new norm to make merry of the murder on Social Media? Rather than showing the outrage towards her death, some narrow-minded people have been just spit-spatting in abusive language against the brave lady. Gauri Lankesh did write watchwords, shout slogans and speak out. But she never fired a bullet at anyone for disagreeing with her. She was just using her Freedom of Expression which no longer is a freedom here. She neither threw ink at someone nor a shoe. But she got her ultimate riposte in bullets.

 So are bullets the new custom? Team up every journalist, every activist you have a problem with, call in a firing squad and get rid of all of them at once? This is neither a transitory hiatus of motive from the part of killers nor a rapid gridlock sort of ferocious fit. This was just as thought-out as it could be. They knew where she lived, that she was at home and would be alone. They came equipped with loaded guns. They were aware that as soon as they ring the doorbell, the lady would unsuspectingly open the door and thus paving way for them to easily shoot her dead. They were also certain that the Social Media would rejoice this callous murder.

 A durable sense of feebleness has ascended in numerous journalists and writers right now. A doubt if our pens are really mightier than the sword? Are they mightier than the bullets? But despite all these venomous activities, we still place our faith in pens and words. We still keep faith in democracy. The faith that no one can question. The faith that no one can ever murder

Hide & Seek

There was this tiny, bubbly girl. Livid and cute, she had everything she needed and much more. It was her fourth birthday and she was super excited about the gifts to get. She was at the gate, waiting for her friends when an uncle came and invited her for a game of Hide and Seek.
The End
Let them play and not scream,
There won't be she, for yet another dream.